Cash Prizes
Cash Prizes are awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence in their studies. These prizes are supported by our General Donations Fund except where indicated.
Bravura Nova Scotia —
Musical Theatre Prize$100 for a musical theatre student.
Bravura Nova Scotia —
Piano PrizeIn memory of Susie Gabriel a $100 prize is given to a piano student
Bravura Nova Scotia – Harry Dean “Lighthouse” Award
$100 for a senior music student in memory of former long-time Conservatory Director Harry Dean
Bravura Nova Scotia – Ifan Williams “Lighthouse” Award
$100 for a junior music student in memory of former long-time Conservatory Director Ifan Williams
Bravura Nova Scotia - Honouree(s) Prize
$100 for each Honouree. The field is selected by the Student Awards Committee taking into consideration the interests of the Honouree(s).
Bravura Nova Scotia – Sheila Piercey Awards
Six $50 cash prizes to pay the costs of a collaborative pianist for vocal students applying for an auditioned scholarship.
Bravura Nova Scotia – Kiwanis Music Festival Prizes
The following prizes are awarded to adjudicated student performances at the annual Kiwanis Music Festival.
Bravura Nova Scotia -
Piano AwardBest keyboard performance in the Senior or Open class by a student of a piece from the classical period.
Bravura Nova Scotia -
Voice AwardBest performance in the Concert Group—any voice—senior 16-19 years. Own choice—three selections.
Bravura Nova Scotia Award
Best brass, string, or woodwind performance by a student of any age.
(NEW IN 2022) Bravura Nova Scotia – Annie DesBrisay Award
For a musician from the senior classes who has displayed exceptional ability in all performances.
(NEW IN 2022) Bravura Nova Scotia – Musical Theatre Award
Best musical theatre performance by a student of any age.