New Awards
Bravura Nova Scotia
Expands Awards Programme
From its creation a century ago, Bravura Nova Scotia has been providing financial support to performing arts Students and Teachers. Over the past year, we have added a number of major new awards to our already extensive list of Scholarships, Prizes, Bursaries, and Fellowships. We have also increased the value of a number of existing awards. The following awards have been created in the past year.
For Students
Bravura Nova Scotia — Portia White Scholarship
In the spring of 2021, Bravura Nova Scotia received a grant of $50,000 from the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Heritage and Culture to create a new scholarship in the name of the first Canadian of African descent to achieve international acclaim as a classical singer. The $2,500 award will be presented annually to a senior vocal student of exceptional promise studying at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts. It will be awarded for the first time in 2022.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Carol von Syberg Scholarship
In December 2021, Bravura Nova Scotia received a generous donation from Carol von Syberg. Carol taught piano at the Conservatory from 1954 until 2019 and was a member of Bravura’s Board of Directors for more than 50 years. This $300 auditioned scholarship will be presented annually to a senior MCPA piano student. It will be awarded for the first time in 2022.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Cecilia Concerts Scholarship
One of Bravura’s partners, the Cecilia Concerts Society, funds an annual scholarship of $1,200 to a music student aged 15 or older who shows exceptional promise as a performer. It was awarded for the first time in 2021.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Jules Chamberlain Scholarship
Board member Jules Chamberlain provides an annual scholarship of $1,000 to an MCPA student age 14 or under who shows exceptional promise in any area of music performance. It was awarded for the first time in 2021.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Harry Dean “Lighthouse” Award Prize
Each year a trophy is presented to the top senior music student at MCPA. Harry Dean was the Director of the Conservatory from 1909 to 1934. In 2021 Bravura Nova Scotia began to offer a $100 prize to the recipient of the trophy.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Ifan Williams “Lighthouse” Award Prize
Each year a trophy is presented to the top junior music student. Ifan Williams was the Director of the Conservatory from 1934 until 1957. In 2021 Bravura Nova Scotia began to offer a $100 prize to the recipient of the trophy.
Bravura Nova Scotia — John Yogis Scholarship
This musical theatre scholarship has been established by Professor Yogis’ friends as a continuing tribute to outstanding teacher, mentor, and supporter of the arts. It will be awarded for the first time in 2022.
Bravura Nova Scotia Award
$200 for the best brass, string, or woodwind performance at the Kiwanis Festival by a musician of any age. It was awarded for the first time in 2021.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Musical Theatre Award
$200 to the best musical theatre performance at the Kiwanis Festival by a participant of any age. It will be awarded for the first time in 2022.
Bravura Nova Scotia — Annie DesBrisay Award
This $500 award will be presented annually to a participant in the Senior Classes of the Kiwanis Festival who has displayed exceptional ability in all performances in which they completed.
This award is supported by the DesBrisay Family Endowment, the funds for which were donated by Annie Layton DesBrisay and her two daughters Ella and Bligh, whose connection to the Conservatory and Bravura collectively spanned more than nine decades. It will be awarded for the first time in 2022.
For Teachers
Bravura Nova Scotia — Janet Leffek Fellowship
Recently the stewardship of the Janet Leffek Endowment was transferred from the NSRMTA Scholarship Trust to Bravura Nova Scotia. This endowment honours a highly regarded music teacher, and it supports one or more Fellowships each year for members of the Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers’ Association who are in the first 15 years of their teaching careers. The selection of the recipient(s) is made by the NSRMTA.